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chromium os
게으른둔재 lazy keizi
2009. 12. 6. 21:50
I'm writing this article on chromium OS, a.k.a. google chrome OS.
It can be said that chromium os is a totally new OS.
This OS can even be seen as just a kind of web browser, not an OS
because there's nothing to see except an web browser at a glance.
And this is the point of chromium OS.
OS (operating system) has evolved from text-based to GUI-based ones.
A well-known instance of the former is MS-DOS, and the latter MS-Windows.
I believe this web-based OS can be another evolution.
Once I have read an article demonstrating how deeply the American life is connected to online.
They listen songs on ipod, communicate with people on iphone and twitter...
When I've been in America, I could see some guys using twitter with keyboard-shaped device.
I don't know how to call that, but I'm sure that's not so familiar with Koreans.
This was written in that article too, that Korean's are not that on-line as Americans.
Chromium OS is certainly an OS.
However, it seems that there's not an application at all, even not a notepad.
Google chrome - a web broswer made by google - is everything one can use in this OS.
Well, the top page of the browser shows many things such as gmail, calender, to-do list, calculator, ...
But, as you know, all these things cannot be accessed unless you're online.
That's why chromium OS can be an evolution in US, and not in Korean YET.
I think chromium OS can a success in Korea someday, but not in 1-2 years.
Especially regarding the Koreans' usage of laptop, well...
- Korean characters can be read, but not be written yet. That's why I'm writing in English.
- As this OS should stay online, the battery time is also a problem I think.
- Does it even have a storage? It seems not.
- If it's true, I'm not sure chromium OS can be successful even in US.
- To developers: I believe you really should be careful, and you've got so many things to consider.